Sunday, May 25, 2014

Which DVD player streams the best Netflix?

Bobo Bobst

Hi, I want to get a new BluRay player, but I want it to stream netflix in good quality. I know it depends greatly on connection speed but are there any bluray devices that perform a little better than others?

LG BD 550 is by far the best when it comes to Netflix streaming. I ended up returning all the others. BD550's Fast forwarding, fast rewinding is just way faster than any other unit I tried. It is even faster than Roku! Among these units, Samsung BD P1600 is the slowest. Also BD 550 not only shows your movies in the netflix instant queue, it also gives you option to pick movie you may like, what you've recently watched (even after you removed it from your instant queue), new arrivals, etc. It's just a perfect Netflix player. If you like Netflix's GUI interface, then just don't buy Sony N460! Sony completely screwed Netflix's GUI but Sony's GUI is just too awkwa

Toshiba Blu Ray Dvd player?


My hubby bought a Toshiba HDTV a couple weeks ago. I am thinking about getting him a blu-ray dvd player for Christmas to go along with it. I don't know a lot about these things, so any advice you have is greatly appreciated. :D I am looking online at Toshiba blu ray players, but like I said, since I don't have a lot of knowledge on these things, I would like some personal opinions. My husband plugs our tv into the computer, and watches a lot of netflix movies, so I need one that will allow him to do that....I would like to keep it around the $130 range, if possble. Thank you so much for any help you can give me! And happy holidays!

Buy this player for your hubby. It has many of the features he likes including Netflix. Free shipping and this company will ship before christmas. And it's within your budget.
I buy from them all the time & their customer service is the best. You can call them for any problems with the player even if you have it for 5 yrs. They provide that service for free. Good day!

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