Monday, May 26, 2014

What should i look for when buying a Blu-Ray player?


It's about time to get rid o my old DVD player. Will the blu-ray play dvd's?
Will it connect to my TV the same way the dvd player did? i have an HDTV, does that matter? i have so many questions 0_0

Here are some things you need to look for on a Blu-Ray player.

1) All blu-ray dvd players have certain channels that stream wirelessly to your tv. Netflix, Pandora, Youtube, Blockbuster Video. Make sure to look for these channels on the Blu-Ray player. The majority of blu-ray dvd player will have these channels. Check on the box when you purchase to see the channels. The cheaper blu-ray dvd players will not have these channels. You can watch netflix movies on your Blu-Ray movie stream to your television.

2) Wi-Fi built in or No Wi-Fi. The majority of blu-ray dvd players will not have built in Wi-Fi that means to get your channels (netflix, youtube, pandora, blockbuster) you would need to connect your blu-ray dvd player with a ethernet cable to your wireless router or computer. So if your computer is located in the same room as your Blu-Ray dvd player than great. However a better and excellent blu-ray dvd player will have built in Wi-Fi. That means no wires or cables to your wireless router. It automatically connects to your wireless router in your house and automatically streams the channels to your tv wirelessly without any cables.

3) Some blu-ray dvd player that do not have built in Wi-Fi might say Wi-Fi ready on the box. This means that you would need to buy a separate adaptor that plugs into the back of the Blu-Ray dvd player so that it can connect wirelessly to your computer and stream your channels to your televison. This is a additional fee for the adaptor. So it is much better to buy a blu-ray dvd player with built in Wi-Fi.

4) Make sure your HDTV tv has a HDMI port. All Blu-Ray dvd players connect to your television by a HDMI cable. You do not have to spend a lot of money on HDMI cable. Sometimes you will see a brand name HDMI cable for 20 to 30 dollars. You can buy a cheap HDMI cable and it would still work the same as a expensive HDMI cable. You can buy any HDMI cable at Radio shack, Target or Best Buy.

Is the Sony Blu-ray dvd player worth buying?


We have a 46'in Sony Bravia and the picture is not all that clear. Especially some of the dvd's. And if we get this blu-ray dvd player from sony. Would it really be worth buying, is it really clear. Is it worth buying. ????
Well none of your answers really helped. We are just going to get the blu-ray dvd player tomorrow. Because it's going to be 179 tomorrow at K-Mart.

Your mind is made up, BUT here's my '2 cents'
If your current setup doesn't look very good you may have a setting or cable issue. For example, are you using HDMI (or Component) cables? If not that alone will degrade the signal.

Potential improvement depends on what TV you have. You say Sony Bravia, but not whether it is 720p or 1080p.

If you have am 1080p model it will benefit from Blu-ray. If you can get it for a good price go for the Sony stand alone Blu-ray player (it may not be the cheapest or the most versatile (cf PS3), but it's an OK player and all you need to enjoy HD movies). Make sure you use HDMI to connect (and don't worry about buying expensive cables ... any Category 2 certified HDMI 1.3 cable <$20) would be a good choice (See

On the other hand if you have a 720p/1080i HDTV you won't get that much improvement over an up-converting DVD player (at least a medium > high end one ... i.e. ~$70 or more). If you want to be future proof and can afford the extra the Blu-ray player can't hurt ... just don't expect a big video quality improvement vs the upscaling DVD player.

Final comment: Blu-ray may be worthwhile to you, but expect to pay a premium for the disks vs the same movie on DVD (Blu-ray disks are more expensive to buy or rent) and that's not going to change due to higher licensing and production costs.

Enjoy whatever you buy.

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