Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Do I need the cable company to set up a router for me to get netflix?

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Do I need the cable company to set me up to get wi-fi to stream netflix. I have a tv in one room. I have a computer plugged in another room. What router do I need for a vizio tv, and a sony blue ray dvd player?

If you do not have a wireless router, simplest is to get a wireless router for your internet connection and connect that with ethernet cable to your computer.

Then you need something to bridge wireless to the other devices. The typical wireless bridge only supports 1 device. Some routers can act as a wireless bridge with special firmware, but one that can natively act as wireless client bridge for 4 wired devices Zyxel P-330W. I have been using one for years to connect my desktop PC, Bluray player, and sometimes old laptop or other computers to a wireless router in my basement. Unfortunately, they seem to have been discontinued so they may be difficult to find. But this is one source that still seems to have them

Another option is powerline networking where you plug one module in where you have internet and the other module where you need neworking, some with up to 4 ports. But you might still need a router where plug your PC and first module.

But things are changing so fast I have not kept up with everything. So web search "wireless bridge" and "powerline network".

are there any dvd players that only stream netflix? No other internet capability?

I need a DVD player that only has Netflix. So no Pandora or youtube or any other internet capability.

You will not find a Blu Ray player with Netflix only (DVD players do not offer net services). Just because you have a service available does not mean that you have to activate it.

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