Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How do I convert a Window Media Video to a DVD so that it will play on my DVD player on my TV not my computer?

best dvd players for windows on ... open source audio and video player for windows media player classic
best dvd players for windows image


Making a disk that can play on my DVD player using Window media videos.

Use Nero or Roxio to create a DVD with your DVD Burner. There are also other programs out there that will make DVD compliant disks.

How do I burn a DVD from my computer that will play on my home DVD player?


I am trying to burn a DVD (photo slideshow with video) on my computer and then watch it on my home DVD player. I have Windows DVD maker and Roxcio DVD creator. Can anybody tell me how to do this? I can play it back on any computer but not at home.

try using different brands of dvd blanks. it could be that the one you're using now is not compatible with your home dvd player.

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