Friday, January 17, 2014

LINUX: Is it safe to run it from the CD?

best dvd player ubuntu 10.04 on Top 10 Ubuntu Linux Audio Player
best dvd player ubuntu 10.04 image


I am trialling Ubuntu 10.04, using it straight from a "live" disk, without installing it on the hard disk. Is this safe to do, without a firewall or anti-virus? If it is not safe, can I do something to improve security while browsing?
I am using the live disk because I am fed up with Windows, but I don't want to wipe Windows from my PC until I am sure I want to run Linux

Running Linux from a LiveCD is very safe. In fact I use a Linux Mint 9 LTS LiveCD for tasks such as internet banking when I am out and about

There is much to be said for running from LiveCD/DVD as it runs from the available RAM on a Computer. Performance can be surprisingly good if there is sufficient amount of RAM available (For example 2gb RAM)

The major downside is settings cannot be saved between sessions so it is better to use a Linux distro. that will work out of the box without the need to install things like Flash player and multimedia codecs.

Ubuntu does not lend itself well to this as you need to install the packages mentioned above each time you start a LIVE session

I thoroughly recommend Linux Mint 11. Its easy to install and easy to use plus it comes with much of the software you are likely to need preinstalled.

Linux Mint 11 Download

Linux Mint 11 Release Notes/User Guide

You download the ISO. image of Linux Mint 11 then you need to create a Bootable LiveDVD


How to burn AVI to DVD on Ubuntu 10.04 for playback on my XVID DVD Player?

rusty rail

I Have a DVD Player That supports XVID playback (Phillips Dvd player 3942)
I recently switched to Ubuntu 10.04 Net-book and I can't seem to find the right settings to burn My AVI files to DVD properly.
It did work before when I had Windows Vista installed.
I have tried several different programs, including K3B and wasted a lot of DVDs.
I have looked on the Internet for help and no luck, I would really appreciate the help.

Follow this AVI to DVD burning tutorial, you may get help from it. look.

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