Monday, January 13, 2014

What is the best Divx dvd player under 50 dollars?

best dvd player under 50 on BEST DENKI | Rakuten: SONY BLURAY PLAYER: BDPS1100
best dvd player under 50 image


Well I want to buy a dvd player that plays divx burned disks but I want to make sure I get a good dvd player. I dont have a big price range, my limit is like 50 bucks.

you want a good dvd player and you only have $50.00......if you want to make sure you get a good dvd player I would suggest save at least $150.00 more, nowadays you can get a great dvd player for around $200.00

What is a good home surround sound system for pretty cheap?


I understand that home theaters are not cheap, but I am not looking for the whole package. I just want to have some speakers for surround sound for my 13x13 room because my TV sound really is not great. Is there anything out there for under $50 that will do the job?

Once again, I am not looking for a DVD player or anything fancy, just some speakers that can be set up for surround sound.


Answer gotta spend a bit more than 50 from my experience to get a good home surround sound system. save up and wait till you get something better would be my advice.

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