Tuesday, June 10, 2014

HDMI DVD Player?


I am from SA. We have HD ready TV's, but no HD. HD DVD players are way to over-priced. Is it worth getting an HDMI DVD player? Is the picture quality significantly better than normal DVD?

It depends on how good your TV does the upconversion...

The diagrams below show the signal, and the asterisk, *, indicates the upconversion...




Notice how the inputs and outputs are the same in both drawings... in other words it probably isn't going to be significantly different.

Most TV's and most cheap DVD players do a basic job of upconverting, but some higher priced DVD players do a better job... I'd advise waiting until an HD-DVD or Bluray player becomes affordable.

Best 'DVD Player' with 'HDMI' and 'Upscaling' capabilities?

James Math

I'm looking for a DVD Player with hdmi and upscaling capabilities. What is the best one that has these features and a few extras like multiregion, usb etc.

Can anyone help me?

The best upscaling DVD players today are Blu-ray players. There is little future in buying a DVD player since Blu-ray is superior to DVD and no longer significantly more expensive. Unless you don't have an HDTV consider a Blu-ray player.

The best upscaling DVD players -- those made by OPPO are no longer available new (They now make the best Blu-ray player ... the the BDP-83). If I wanted a DVD player I'd look for a used OPPO DV-981HD. It's also a great SACD and DVD-A player.

Note that upscaling quality varies with the video chip used ... and generally DVD players under about $80-$100 won't do a great job. Hence my advice to consider a Blu-ray player. With prices in the $150 range you get a good DVD upscaler, that will also play Blu-ray and "future-proof" you. To be honest, the best DVD upscaling is offered by the upper tier of Blu-ray players (those costing $200 or more), but for most users the extra quality won't be noticed.

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