Monday, June 9, 2014

Portable dvd player for vacation with a toddler?


I will be traveling with a toddler on a long trip and am shopping for a portable dvd player. Are there any recommendations on models, brands and features that work best for traveling with small children? I.E. remote controls, swivel screens, etc.

I would just buy the cheapest one you can find. I bought the cheapest, I have had two. My sister bought a very expensive panasonic and it was broken before my $39 Walmart special! If a toddler is using it, it is goign to get dropped, stepped on etc, so it isn't worth going all out! Traveling with a dvd player is great! I even used one when I was shopping in the stroller. A tip is to keep dvd's that will go on your trip away from your child for a while, so that they are "new" on the trip and your child doesn't get bored of them. I kept certain dvd's with the portable player and didn't let my son watch them in the house.

Which is the best Portable DVD player to buy ?

brandy j

I want something to entertain my children with on long car trips. Affordable for our family is around $150. I have tried researching reviews of customers on different stores websites but they are always more bad than good.

Sony DVP-FX820 8-Inch Portable DVD Player is the best and reasonable price, for buy online at...


cheap & fast shipping

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