Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Is there any DVD player in the market that can stream Netflix?

Uppili Vij

I am not looking for a Blu-Ray player and I am not looking for a streaming only Roku. :)

An Xbox can be a DVD player and can stream Netflix.
Linksys used to have a DVD player/media Extenter combo, but it may be cheaper to buy a DVD player + Roku box.

i have hd vizio tv and sony blu-ray dvd player. What do I have to get to stream netflix movies?


I don't have wi-fi. Do I need wi-fi. How do I get it. What do I need? Where can I get it to stream netflix?

model numbers of your devices would be helpful. Check the specs of your Blu ray player to see if it can run Netflix. You also need an internet connection for your device. Again check your blu ray player to see what type of internet connection it supports. Most have wired connections, other have built in wireless or the option to add wireless with a dongle that must be purchased separately.

Check out your router or modem to see what connections it supports.

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