Saturday, June 14, 2014

How do you use windows media player on windows 7?


I just bought a new laptop (h.p) and I want to put all my music cd's on my computer. I never had problems with WMP on Windows XP or previous editions. But now I can't figure it out. I put a cd in and it starts playing. I click stop. There is no option to copy. And when I click "rip" and gives me an error message. I can't even drag the songs onto another folder or my desktop or anything. What do I do? Please help, how do I copy songs from a CD on to my computer? It really shouldn't be this hard. WTF? I'm seconds away from throwing my laptop out the window and beating it with a bat. This is beyond aggravating. I thought windows 7 was suppose to be easier???????????

Did you buy the DVD? If you did, there is a very large chance it is protected with DRM and cannot have any of the information copied or changed. Really, DON'T TRUST WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER!
If it works, try copying the files in the DVD to your Documents folder or your C drive. This should work. Then, try playing it with VLC Media Player (find it online). Since the file should be a .vob file, it should play perfectly fine on VLC.
When you click "rip", WMP would think that you are trying to burn a video to a DVD. Instead, you are playing directly FROM the DVD that the file is from, so you would get an error.
For Windows XP and lower: To copy, click Start, then My Computer. Then right-click the DVD and click Explore. Click the .vob files in the DVD and copy them (Ctrl + C). Then go to you destination folder and Paste it (Ctrl + V).
For Windows Vista or higher: To copy, click the Windows logo in the bottom left, then Computer. Then right-click the DVD and click Explore. Click the .vob files in the DVD and copy them (Ctrl + C). Then go to you destination folder and Paste it (Ctrl + V).
There you go! Note: Windows 7 is actually a little more frustrating, because many programs don't work with it. Just get used to it.

How do I reinstall a DVD player and driver on my computer without having to reinstall windows 7?

Caleb C

The driver that I have for my DVD drive in my computer is starting to make me frustrated. The only thing my computer will do when I try to reinstall the device is it says CD Drive under the 'computer' heading and now I can't even play movies. When I go online to try and find the driver for my dvd player it won't even pull anything up. It's like the driver for my dvd player burner doesn't even exist anymore. What should I do?

it should be built into windows. try rolling back the drivers. if not, unplug the drive, fire the machine up and let windows configure the machine as needed (figure out the drive is not there anymore (will just take a few seconds). shut it down. plug it in and fire it back up. it should be detect and install the drivers. make sure the bios is set right also. if that fails, you might have to update the drivers, go advanced and check the search removable media, make sure the install disk is in. one of those should work. kinda an odd situation... what happened to the stock drivers?

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