Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A question for you mac users about getting pictures from a DVD?


My grandfather just had his 80th birthday reunion. The entire family came. I juse received in the mail a DVD which is a slideshow of the whole party. This was obviously done by a professional because at the end it had their credits and their website listed. I know it'd probably be illegal to take their images but I only would want them to keep for myself in my photo library. How on earth can I extract a picture from a DVD video using the DVD player that comes on a mac? It only lets you stop, play, rewind, etc. It's not like a quicktime video clip where I can do that. Is there any way to do it?

Try this:

1. Open the DVD and insert a DVD. For this to work, the DVD window must be set to "Maximum Size" or below (NOT Fullscreen).

2. Open (Located in Applications â Utilities).

3. Now, type "screencapture -i ~/Desktop/mydvd.png" without quotes and hit enter. You'll notice a crosshair icon appear.
Note: You can replace the "mydvd" part with anything you want.

4. At this point, you've got two options for taking the screenshot. You can (a) use the crosshair icon to select a portion of the screen, or (b) hit space bar to turn the crosshair icon into a camera icon. If you go with option b, you'll be able to select specific windows within your screen real estate. Simply highlight the DVD window and click to capture. A .png image will be saved on your desktop.

If you'd rather use software to take your screenshots, try the following applications:

DVD Snap:
Capture Me:

Replaying DVD discs on a Mac OSX system?


Can someone help me? I get the message that I do not have a default program to play DVD discs, but I have viewed DVD discs in the past.

I just put a DVD into my Macintosh. The app "DVD Player" immediately started playing my DVD. Do you have this app? If so, you may need to tell your Mac to use it as the default player when a DVD is inserted.

Go to System Preferences (in your Dock and in the Apple menu), choose CDs & DVDs and then tell your Mac which program to use to play your DVDs.

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