Saturday, April 12, 2014

How do I watch a DVD movie on Ubuntu Linux?


I've tried the GNOME media player but whenever I click to play the movie there is no sound and the image is all scrambled up like digital cable with bad reception.

What do I need to watch a DVD movie on Ubuntu Linux?

Thank you for your time. :-)

Here is the Official Ubuntu DVD Playback Documentation

Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) User Guide


my com cant detect dvd cd player whats wrong?


Well first you need to provide some more info such as what Operating system she is using, Windows, Linux, Mac? what version, XP, Vista, 7, Suse, Ubuntu, Debian, Tiger, Leopard, Etc.. Since most people use windows let me try and give you a hand. So you say she does not detect the CD/DVD Player. Is it just the player that you guys are interested in because there are bunches, such as Windows Media Player, Power DVD, Winamp, etc.. Or is she not detecting the CD/DVD Unit? if that's the case maybe the drivers for the device are not properly installed. If your PC is running windows XP or vista you can hold down the windows key (next to the alt key which is next to the space bar) and tap the button that says Pause/Break (it's on the same line as the F Keys all the way to the right) and then click on Hardware, then click on device manager. Look for any yellow question marks, these tell you that the driver for the device is not installed or is corrupted. What you have to do in this case is find out the manufacturer of the device and the model. You can do that with driver agent. It's free. And you may download the drivers from (all you gotta do is sign up as a user which is free) and then you can download the drivers. If you have anymore q's about this topic contact me. dee_snider at yahoo dot com

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