Saturday, April 12, 2014

How to connect dvd player to wireless network?

ricky c

I have a sony dvd player in my living room. The dvd play only has hdmi and ethernet inputs and supports Netflix. I was wondering how to connect the dvd player to the wireless modem i have in the other room. I'm completely lost.

Your DVD Player doesn't have wireless capabilities, but supports a network connection. You have several options

1. Move your router
2. Move your DVD player
3. Run a long cable to the router
4. Buy yourself one of those wireless devices that'll give you a jack right there at the player
5. Set a laptop near the player & ad hoc the network
6. Wire your entire house with network (be sure to put a jack by the player)
7. Buy a wireless dvd player & sell the one you got
8. Setup an additional router as a repeater & set it next to your player
9. Scrap the idea all together, go get a roku or a ps3 to watch netflix
10. That's bout all I got right now.

WMV File not playing on DVD player.?


I used Windows Movie Maker to make a little video, i burned it onto a cd and stuck it in my dvd player, and the video didnt play, only the audio did. any suggestions?

Your dvd player may not support the wmv codec, i usually use either Mpeg-4 or Divx never fails me.
Also very expensive dvd player's are ussualy limited to dvd and vcd only, but a cheap dvd player can play multiple formats including the wmv. I would use a nero program and try and convert it to the format your dvd player supports.

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