Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Kids on Airplane..what can I take on the plane to keep them occupied?


It is our family's first flight. We are going on a 2 hour flight. The ages are 9, 5, and a 2 1/2 year old. My 9 year old has a nintendo ds, can she take that on the flight? I just need some ideas, please help.

You should definitely bring some electronic devices to keep them occupied.
Things like portable dvd players, etc.
Make sure to bring them snacks that they enjoy, cause the plane may not have the right food.

*One thing that should absolutely make sure you bring is gum. Childrens ears are very sensative to the high altitudes and the plane ride can be very painful for them (I know thid for personal past expereinces). When you first get on the lpane, give each of them a piece of gum, and then another after they eat. This is relieve a lot of tears*

kids and T.V. ? how much is too much?

This mommy

ok i'll be the first to admit that our 2 year old loves t.v. and watches barney,spongebob and the teletubblies(which i hate but he just laughs and laughs. He mostly watches it when i am trying to cook and clean. I also have a 3 month old so i have my hands full during the day. My friend has a 3 year old. she is a tv addict watching more then my son by hours. she even has a tv and dvd player in her room. Her mom even lets her fall asleep watching tv. IDK i just think thats too much tv. we dont allow our son to watch more then an hour or so daily. And he will never have a tv in is room. I just think thats going to far. But thats just my husband an dmyselves personal opionion. I would never say any thing to my friend unless she asked for my opnion. but her daughter screams and cries for tv and they give up their tv time for her. That would never happen in my house. also my sister does this with her small kids. How much do you think is too much tv and do your kids have one in theri rooms?
i would never say anything to my freind or sister because its not my bussiness. i was just courious to see what everyone thinks?

like alexa said, there are differences in what is too much depending on how tv is used/watched. some days we watch a couple baby einsteins, i will admit -- on rainy days, on days when her teeth hurt and she needs the distraction -- but on those days i watch with her and we talk through it, identifying things. tv in the toddler bedroom: bad, bad, bad, i say. the way your kids are watching sounds totally moderate and reasonable. i agree that it would be ideal if they saw none, but it is all about what is normal for your family. if you are a family that watches tv, well, it is unreasonable to say "my kids won't ever watch" unless you are prepared to give it up yourself. it also depends on the individual child and how s/he reacts to it. ruby has never once sat mesmerized in front of tv or a video. but she usually watches intently the first 5 minutes and then goes off to play. as a result, i don't stress out about it. if she sat and stared, i would strictly limit her time to 30 minutes.

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