Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Best way to stream Netflix thru my LG Blue Ray DVD player?

Curious In

I have an LG Blue Ray DVD player capable of streaming my Netflix from the PC. What is the best way to do this? Should I get a wireless router to send the signal to the DVD player? Does it cost more than my actual monthly subscription? Serious answers please...thanks!

Well, you should get a router regardless. It's the easiest way to share your internet connection between multiple devices. Using a router does not add to your internet fees.

Your LG blu-ray player can stream directly from Netflix - a PC is not required (other than to set up the account.) All Netflix subscriptions include unlimited streaming so if you already have a Netflix account you're all set there.

As for connecting the blu-ray player to the router, if it supports wireless, go ahead and use that. It'll be easier than having to run an ethernet cable from the player to your router.

Keep in mind that streaming movies is like downloading a very large file. If your ISP has monthly limitations on how much data you can download, use of Netflix streaming may cause you to go over. An average 90 minute movie will use between 1 to 3 GB of data.

Help, Can my family watch netflix movies on a dvd player?

Sheila Col

like either a portable dvd player or one you hook up? obviously we could watch on the computer but still i dont see why we couldnt watch it on a dvd player cuz netflix would be sending us DVD's and last time i checked DVD PLAYERS PLAYED DVD'S so yea can some one who has netflix help me? cuz we dont have a tv with blue ray or a game system thats enabled with it either. thank you

There are two methods to watch Netflix movies.

1. Stream the movie, (which you can't do on a plain old DVD player) or

2. Watch the movie on a DVD Netflix sends you.

The answer should be obvious but if it isn't, you can watch Netflix movies via method #2, but you can't watch movies via method #1.

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