Saturday, April 5, 2014

HD Player or DVD Player with 1080p Upscaling?


So i just got my 1080p Samsung 40''. Now i need a good DVD player. what should i go for? i mainly watch DVD, don't know if i am going to get HD DVDs, since they are still pricey. Now Let me get to my main point. Which one should i get? HD Player or DVD player with Upscaling? I mean does HD player upscale you to 1080p when watching regular DVDs? i am looking at the OPP DVD player, and it got pretty nice rating.

Every single credible recent review pegs 1080p upscaling as having less quality than bluray/hddvd. But only slightly less and hardly noticeable (if at all). I have not seen a single recommendation of wasting the money on a hd format player unless you are an elitist.

Best 'DVD Player' with 'HDMI' and 'Upscaling' capabilities?

James Math

I'm looking for a DVD Player with hdmi and upscaling capabilities. What is the best one that has these features and a few extras like multiregion, usb etc.

Can anyone help me?

The best upscaling DVD players today are Blu-ray players. There is little future in buying a DVD player since Blu-ray is superior to DVD and no longer significantly more expensive. Unless you don't have an HDTV consider a Blu-ray player.

The best upscaling DVD players -- those made by OPPO are no longer available new (They now make the best Blu-ray player ... the the BDP-83). If I wanted a DVD player I'd look for a used OPPO DV-981HD. It's also a great SACD and DVD-A player.

Note that upscaling quality varies with the video chip used ... and generally DVD players under about $80-$100 won't do a great job. Hence my advice to consider a Blu-ray player. With prices in the $150 range you get a good DVD upscaler, that will also play Blu-ray and "future-proof" you. To be honest, the best DVD upscaling is offered by the upper tier of Blu-ray players (those costing $200 or more), but for most users the extra quality won't be noticed.

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