Saturday, April 5, 2014

How can I burn home video onto dvd disk using windows 8?


I recently got windows 8. I have downloaded all my videos into my computer, but when I open them using media player or movie maker, I cant see them. They are audible, and I still cant see a place to burn them. It was so easy on vista! FRUSTRATED!! Thankyou in advance

To be honest Windows 8 is rubbish. Windows 9 will be out in April 2015. I've aways used Ubuntu 12.04 rather than windows.

You can download a video converter witch is called Any Video Converter" You'd need to convert your video to the correct file format in order to burn it to a DVD and play it on your DVD player. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work on windows 8 but making sure your video file is the correct format is important.

New Ubuntu 12.04 user needing help. Easy questions for easy 10 points?


I've always used Windows as far back as Windows 95 to Windows 7, so I'm haveing problems getting used to Ubuntu 12.04. The reason I'm trying to use Ubuntu is because it's free, looks good on a resume, and I recently bought a netbook with it installed. Please forgive my stupid questions.

Do I need to install virus and spyware protection? If not for me, then possibly for other people who use Windows? If so, do you have any free or low cost suggestions?

How do I add icons to the desktop? I've tried dragging them from the taskbar(?) from the right of the screen, but that didn't work.

I installed Wine and Google Chrome(ubuntu version), but is there anything else I should consider installing? Cool programs, helpful tools, ect...

I was considering reformating my hard drive and installing Linux Mint because it looks like it has a Windows 7 feel, but should I? If so, why or why not?
@ John

That link has been shortened more than once, so I'm going to avoid it. One good thing about being a Windows user for the past 23 some odd years is I know to stay away from potential threats.
@ John again. I did further research on the link you posted and looks like it's malicious. Reported

<<Do I need to install virus and spyware protection?>>
No, you don't really need to install one, unless you plan to be installing software from an unreliable source.

<<If not for me, then possibly for other people who use Windows?>>
This is a good idea. Most use an AV on Linux for their Windows friends.

<<If so, do you have any free or low cost suggestions?>>
There is Avira or ClamAV (With the ClamTK Frontend) (both free)

<<How do I add icons to the desktop? I've tried dragging them from the taskbar(?) from the right of the screen, but that didn't work.>>
You will most likely need to use something other than Unity DE, try KDE, Cinnamon DE, XFCE, &c.

For Cinnamon follow these instructions,

<<I installed Wine and Google Chrome(ubuntu version), but is there anything else I should consider installing? Cool programs, helpful tools, ect...>>
That really depends on what you want to do, Here are some interesting programs:

Avidemux (Video Editing)
PiTiVi (linear Video Editing)
Blender (3D Animation)
FontForge (Font Software)
gImageReader (OCR software)
SpiderOak (Cloud Server)
LÃVE (2D game engine)
Qalculate! (Powerful Calculator)
Clementine (music Player)
Pidgin (Chat Software)
Xine (In my opinion, one of the best multimedia programs on Linux)

Ubuntu Tweak & Ailurus (Helps with tweaking Ubuntu and Ubuntu derivatives)

<<I was considering reformating my hard drive and installing Linux Mint because it looks like it has a Windows 7 feel, but should I? If so, why or why not?>>

I personally like Linux Mint over Ubuntu and many other distros, why don't you give it a test run first by burning the ISO to a CD/DVD or USB Thumb drive and running the liveCD. I think that you may like Linux Mint better as well. (Same Software that runs on Ubuntu will run on Linux Mint)

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