Saturday, April 5, 2014

What is a good cheap portable DVD player?


I want to get one for my birthday and i want a cheap one that cost $100 or less.Also, i want it to last long, like 4 hours or more.(BTW I DON'T WANT TO BUY ONLINE) I would like to buy it at a store.I'm buying mine in California btw.

PS. I'm not going to buy 7 inch screen portable dvd players cause i think its to small. I want those 9inch ones

the best portable dvd player for under $100 is

or there is phillips with a 5 hour battery life

yeah i know you said no online but take a note of the above part numbers and take them to your nearest electrical shop and see how much it is for the same item

dvd player battery life?


I have an acoustic solutions portable dvd player (dvd 222). The battery is supposed to last around 2 and a half hours but mine usually gives up after about 1 hour. I think it may be because the first time i charged it, i was watching it aswell. Is there any way i can make the it last longer?

Drain the battery all the way down to where it won't turn on at all, then plug it into the charger and charge it all the way before you do anything on it. If that doesn't help, you might have a bad battery. That's why they tell you to charge all the way before using, it very important.

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